Cedar Pointe
Location: Columbia Falls, MT
Cedar Point Estates is a 79 unit residential subdivision on 20 acres adjacent to the Flathead River in Columbia Falls, Montana. This residential subdivision included approximately 0.75 miles the paved streets with off street parking accommodations.
APEC Engineering was selected by the developer to provide the following services:
Environmental Impact Review
Civil Engineering Design
Environmental Permitting
Geotechnical Analysis
Floodplain Review & Delineation
Construction Administration
As a part of the design a hydraulic analysis and wetland delineation was performed for the crossing of Cedar Creek before if flows into the Flathead River. APEC Engineering also provided design services to the developer for the public water, public sewer, public road and drainage features for this site. The public water supply was designed as an extension from the City of Columbia Falls public water supply, the extension provided fire flows to the development with fire hydrants. Environmental permitting was secured by APEC Engineering for the road crossings of Cedar Creek. Floodplain review and delineation was provided for the development in areas adjacent to the Flathead River.